A macro-photograph of assorted global banknotes.

Global Digital Financial Ecosystems

Otranto is a full-service consultancy focusing on strategy, management, technical, and information security advisory services. We have global delivery capabilities for developing and implementing Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Digital Financial Markets (DFMs) solutions.

About Otranto

Otranto’s leadership team have worked with the world’s premier central banks on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) since 2014 — before the term even existed. Since then, we’ve provided everything from design to implementation and strategic advisory to senior global monetary policy and finance stakeholders. We work directly with governors, deputy governors, and their staff to provide the most appropriate, timely advice to further develop central bank policies. 

In addition, Otranto works with the largest commercial banks, clearinghouses, and exchanges to transform the cash and asset lifecycle.

A timline of CBDC developments 2017-2022.

Our services​

We’re dedicated to helping clients use proven (often cutting-edge) technology and modern governance features to optimise and enhance their already established, fully regulated activities, such as Central Bank Digital Currencies.

DFM consultancy

We help participants in capital markets understand and implement DFM innovation, including exchanges, custodians (CSDs), Buy/Sell Side, central counterparties, central banks, funding banks and regulators.

Regulatory & policy advice

We provide global benchmarking, gap analysis, and assistance in ensuring “same risk, same regulation” principles using global standards, including CPMI-IOSCO and Basel III guidance.

Implementation & rollout

The Otranto team can stand in as product owners to ensure that projects and products maintain alignment with your objectives. Delivery can be part of the package, with developers and consultants on hand to bring your vision to life.

Strategic advisory

We help boards analyse, evaluate, and make informed decisions regarding strategic alternatives.​ We also assist C-suite teams with advisory and assistance in team management, setting strategic direction, and obtaining stakeholder buy-in.

Business plan advisory

Otranto assists both emerging ventures and mature organisations in transforming their strategic direction into an integrated business plan. Plans include payback analysis and ROI on a variety of timescales.

Complementary services

We offer quality assurance (QA) expertise for strategy, development, and security teams. Organisational gap analysis, including ISO 27001 pre-audit/pre-renewal due diligence, is also available. Our approach is independent, objective, and unbiased.


With global delivery capabilities, Otranto offers full-service consultancy for strategy, management, technical, and information security advisory needs. Our CBDC and DFM specialists deliver exceptional solutions.

To learn more about how we can assist your organisation, fill out the form with a brief description of your project, email contact@otran.to or call +44 20 3994 2995. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible.