About Otranto
Otranto is a full-service consultancy focusing on strategy, management, technical, and information security advisory services.
We have global delivery capabilities for developing and implementing Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Digital Financial Markets (DFMs) solutions.
What are digital financial markets?
Digital Financial Markets (DFMs) encompass the next generation of global value transfer that realigns risk. It involves modernising core financial market infrastructure (FMI) with tokenised value that may use distributed ledgers. We see “DeFi” and “CeFI,” and all iterations between complete centralisation and complete decentralisation as DFM extensions to the existing structures around the relationships in financial markets.
DFMs use innovation to provide efficiencies and products that may have previously been uneconomic or impossible. Regulators maintain critical roles in DFMs, including supervision, monetary and financial stability, and consumer protection.
With years of experience globally and working together since 2015, John and Vincent have a wealth of knowledge in digital financial markets.

John Velissarios
Co-founder and Director
John Velissarios advises leading institutions on the digital financial ecosystem, including markets, digital currencies, and CBDC topics ranging from strategy to design, implementation, and secure operation. He has over 25 years of experience in this field, having worked for some of the world’s most reputable consultancies.
Previously, John was Managing Director at Accenture in London. He led the global team for Digital Assets, Custody, and Central Bank Digital Currencies, spearheading many ground-breaking projects with central banks.
John is a well-sought-after industry speaker on digital financial markets and CBDC. He also has numerous publications and patents to his name.

Vincent Mele
Co-founder and Director
Vincent Mele is a multi-disciplinary expert within the global digital financial ecosystem. He advises private and public organisations about strategy, risk, regulatory classification, technical design, and implementation.
Vincent entered the digital asset space in 2012, co-founding a wallet security product used by some of the world’s largest exchanges. Most recently, he worked at Accenture in Digital Assets, Custody, and Central Bank Digital Currencies projects. His leadership and contributions included on-site projects at leading central banks, custody engagements, and developing thought leadership across capital markets and payments.
Vincent has extensive commercial legal experience as a practising attorney; he is on the Solicitors Register of England and Wales and is a member of the Wisconsin Bar.
Work with Otranto
With global delivery capabilities, Otranto offers full-service consultancy for strategy, management, technical, and information security advisory needs. Our CBDC and DFM specialists deliver exceptional solutions.
To learn more about how we can assist your organisation, fill out the form with a brief description of your project, email [email protected] or call +44 20 3994 2995. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible.